popcorn CRM

Tips, Advice & Articles

Specifically for small businesses interested in CRM and prospect management

child in cardboard car with megaphone announcing something for popcorn crm for small business
Simon Washbrook

101 Growing Your Email Marketing Database

An email marketing database that your readers have signed up to, is your most valuable asset. It will increase your engagement levels and more importantly it will eventually lead to more sales. That is why we decided to create this massive infographic for you which contains a list of over 100 tips on growing your email marketing database. Take a look and let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, make sure to share it with fellow marketers and business owners! This guide will help you and them grow an email marketing database for FREE!!

photo for 101 grow your email marketing database article displaying 101 tips to grow your email marketing database

101 tips to grow your Email Marketing Database

An email Marketing Database that your most valuable asset, it will increase your engagement levels and more importantly it will help you win more sales.

This guide will you to build a powerful home grown database for free.

Must Dos!!

  • Export your LinkedIn Contacts
  • Create YouTube videos to drive traffic
  • add a sign-up form to your website
  • Ask your Facebook followers to sign up
  • Add all customer % enquiry Emails
  • Promote your newsletter on all printed materials
  • Ask everyone you meet to sign up
  • Dig out all your old business cards
  • Create offers that need an Email to redeem
  • Promote your newsletter on Invoices & Quotes  
photo for 101 grow your email marketing database article displaying growing plants
Markus Spiske on Unsplash


  • Host a Webinar
  • Create a Free online tool/resource
  • Add pop-up sign-up forms on key web pages
  • Add a QR Code to Marketing Materials
  • Create an Online Contest
  • Run a promotion on a Partner Website
  • Ask Customers to share your Emails
  • Create a PPC Campaign targeted at sign-ups
  • Create multiple sign-up messages
  • Write Blogs for other websites
  • Promote Blogs on Pinterest, Reddit etc…
  • Participate in Local Twitter Power Hours
  • Create Posts on LinkedIn
  • Share knowledge on Facebook
  • Respond to questions on LinkedIn groups
  • Promote sign-ups on company email footers
  • Post your Newsletter on Web Offer pages
  • Use online Booking Forms
  • Add a ‘Request a Call Back’ form 
  • Create a Mobile App
  • Add all past Enquires
  • Connect with target audiences on LinkedIn
  • Cross promote with partner Databases
  • Sponsor Industry Web Forums 
  • Create Amazing Blog Content 
  • Promote at the end of Blog Posts 
  • Add a Call to Action On Facebook 
  • Create Infographics 
  • Require Email to read Online Guides
  • Ask Viewers to signup at the end of videos
  • Ask Viewers to sign up at the end of videos 
  • Add Social Media Sharing Buttons on Emails
  • Create a Poll on Social Media
  • Develop a Resource Archive
  • Offer Exclusive Subscriber-only Offers
  • Refer to Influential Twitter users, for re-posts
  • Ensure your sign-up form is clear & simple
  • Include Testimonials Next to sign-up forms
  • Develop an Online Course
  • Utilise The Facebook Call to Action Button
  • Create Opt-in Landing Pages
  • Create Birthday Clubs with special offers 
  • Comment on Blogs your prospects visit
  • Create a Twitter Lead Generation Card
photo for 101 grow your email marketing database article displaying ethernet cables
Matthew Henry on Unsplash


  • Collect business cards at Exhibitions/Events
  • Write magazine articles that drive traffic to website 
  • Promote via a Direct Mail Campaign 
  • Ask all Sales Enquires to sign up
  • Promote on the back of your Business Card
  • Add to Building Signage
  • Promote n Partners printed materials
  • Co-Marketing activities with Partners 
  • Attend Networking Events
  • Run an Advice Clinic in local Serviced Offices
  • Print and post relevant Blog Posts to prospects
  • Phone Existing Customers to opt-in
  • Add a Message to your phone message 
  • Ask during Telemarketing activities 
  • Add a Business Card Drop on your Front Desk
  • Run a Competition 
  • Print a Product Registration Card
  • Send a Printed Newsletter 
  • Add a sign-up card with all product sales
  • Train staff/team to always promote 
  • Write a guide/white paper
  • Add Compliment Slips/Letterheads
  • Print on Envelopes 
  • Leaflet Drop to local Businesses 
  • Add to Vehicle Livery
  • Create an “A” Board for outside your premises
  • Exhibit at Events
  • Sponsor Events/Locations
  • Offer a discount for signing up 
  • Offer online-only content with sign-ups
  • Host a Seminar/Workshop
  • Create Vouchers that need to be redeemed online
  • Incentivise your employees 
  • Send post cards to Bounced Email Addresses
  • Become a Speaker at Events
  • Conduct a Survey 
  • Ask your Customers for help
  • Export old Customers from your Accounts package
  • Host Co-Marketing events with Partners 
  • Advertise in Business Directories 
  • Highlight on Promotional Merchandise 
  • Rent a List from a Data Provider, but this should be your last option 

popcorn is a smart, easy-to-use and efficient platform that not only helps you compose beautiful emails and newsletters but also helps you manage your sales funnels and leads. If you would like to test popcorn and see if it could help improve your email marketing game, you can sign-up for the free trial here.

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