Not Down And Out
With social media and video becoming behemoths in the marketing world, you might be forgiven for thinking that the benefits of email marketing aren’t worth your time anymore.
But email marketing is still going strong. Many people open their emails first thing in the morning. It’s a huge market every business should get on top of.
In fact, most businesses do. A whopping 87% of marketers use emails to showcase their content. This gets more important depending on the size of your business: 81% of SMEs rely on email as their primary customer acquisition channel.
According to the DMA, email marketing has the highest conversation rate (66%) when it comes to purchases made as a result of receiving a marketing message, compared to social media and direct mail.
So, email is far from being down and out. There’s more reason than ever to use email marketing if you aren’t already.
But if you’re still not convinced, then here are a few points that might convince you otherwise.
Benefits of email marketing: 1. Email Marketing Will Drive Traffic To Your Website
If you’re increasing the amount of ways people can access your services, then more people are going to use it. By having themed emails, you can also direct people to certain pages you want to see have more engagement. This could be anything from a new blog article to a sign-up form. Although not everyone will click, if your content is engaging enough then enough people will. These might eventually lead to conversions, and sales!.
Benefits of email marketing: 2. You Can Build Your Audience...
If a business promotes their services in a forest and no one is around to hear it, are they selling anything?
Email marketing needs people who indicate they might be interested in your business. After all, even if they’re not buying now, they might later. Having people sign up for and receive your emails means you’ve got an audience to listen to what you’re saying. Enough emails will let them keep your business in mind for when they’re ready to interact with your website more, or even when they’re ready to buy.
In fact, we’d even go so far as to say that email marketing is vital for your lead nurturing. Having consistent—but not pushy—reminders goes a long way to nurturing your leads into prospects, and eventually customers.
Benefits of email marketing: 3. ...And You Can Build A Loyal Audience
Launching email campaigns and keeping up consistent emails will give you the opportunity to fine-tune your email audiences. This is because if leads are no longer interested, they’ll unsubscribe from your mailing list. If you’re successful in your nurturing, the people that want to stay will stay and purchase from you multiple times. Not only will you be likely to receive business from them, they can also advocate for your business too.
Benefits of email marketing: 4. Get More Feedback
Improvement is a worthwhile endeavour, but it’s vital for a business that needs to evolve with the times. And no one knows how your business is perceived better than your audience. Asking for feedback will bring a valuable perspective into the business that will help you improve.
You can also increase loyalty by making a customer feel valued this way. Indicating that you appreciate their contribution will increase the likelihood of customers returning or even buying for the first time, as they have an emotional stake in how things develop. The bigger the contribution, the bigger the emotional stake.
Benefits of email marketing: 5. Promote Your Offers More
This is one of the core elements of email marketing, but you can advertise more directly to your prospects here. Any special offers and incentives are more visible to the people who might use them. Otherwise, they usually have to go onto your social media, or find it on your website.
Benefits of email marketing: 6. Build A Brand, Build A Voice, Build A Reputation
It’s not just about an audience. It’s about you, too. The more places you can reach an audience, the more places you can be seen. The more you have to offer your mailing list, the more solid your presence is as a business. You can build a reputation for having, for example, the first word on the best new drills—your mailing lists will vouch for you. You can come out with a funny award every month, and build a reputation that way.
The possibilities are endless—you just have to keep producing content.
Benefits of email marketing: 7. Optimise Your Time
If you’re finding more leads by scheduling emails to a mailing list, you’re not spending time pulling them through individually. That gives you more time to spend on improving other aspects of the business.
Benefits of email marketing: 8. Optimise Your Expenses
Much like the point above, email marketing is often included in software that you’d be using already. For example, popcorn has email marketing tools that come with our CRM, and an in-built drag and drop editor for your email. You don’t have to outsource anything. All you need is your email strategy.
Email marketing has proven to bring in big gains. According to the DMA, by 2017 the average ROI (return on investment) had increased year-on-year to reach £30.01 for every £1 invested. That’s a lot to get back from a few simple emails.
Are you thinking of using email marketing? Why not explore our blog for plenty of email marketing tips?