Getting Started – Video 2

How Small businesses can use popcorn CRM to convert more prospects, faster.

child in cardboard car with megaphone announcing something for popcorn crm for small business

What this Video will show you.

How you can use popcorn CRM to drive your prospecting process and contacts that are in the buying cycle, we will cover: 

  • How to send personalised transactional emails that are tracked 
  • The difference between sending a Single email (like in MailChimp) and a using targeted campaign folders to nurture your prospects
  •  The marketing and prospecting tools included in the Campaign Folders (inc Email Marketing, Landing pages, Lead Generation, Forms and Workflow Automation)
  • How to target and segment your data lists in a matter of seconds. 
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What our Customers say...

We can tell you how good popcorn it, but this is why our Small Business customers love us… 

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