Landing Pages

Create, copy and edit your landing Pages from your website in seconds

popcorn Landing Pages replaces:

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…I love the fact that I can track the customer journey from opening an email, right through to what they are doing on the website. So I know exactly what’s working and who is interested.

Joe Trodden - Midset Experts

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Quickly create Landing Pages that support your Lead generation activities

A landing page is a standalone page that is dedicated to a specific campaign or marketing message you are promoting. It has specific information and Calls to Action that a Small Business reader needs to read to be able to convert. 

An average dedicated landing page increases sales conversion rates by 9.7%, so it will mean more leads dropping into your Sales Pipeline, so it’s well worth building them into your Lead generation activities, and when your CRM joins it all together, you are able to see a much bigger picture and understand exactly when and what your prospects are engaging with, so you can convert them faster.  

popcorn's simple CRM joins up all your Marketing and Prospecting...

There are two ways to build a stunning landing page in popcorn, both are fast and require no coding skills. 

  1. Create a landing page from scratch with our easy-to-use drag and drop editor, Add Images, Text, Videos, basic forms and much more in just a few clicks. 
  2. Import and edit a website page directly from your website in a matter of seconds, then use. the Drag and Drop editor to personalise the page. Keeping all your branding and links, so the reader has a completely brand-consistent experience.  
template landing page email marketing resources icon

Drag and Drop Editor

Use the simple Drag and Drop editor to easily customise your Landing Page 

Fast and simple

Build a fully branded landing page, with personalisation in seconds, no coding needed.



When joined up with the Email marketing ,  quickly personalisation such as name, company, etc… 

Copy an existing page

Enter a URL from your website, to import an identical version that you can edit in seconds.

Joined up

Easily share your landing page via email marketing, track and target visitors via the CRW. 


Fast and customizable reporting, that allows you to easily add contacts to pipelines, Emails, etc…

The popcorn promise:

To make Lead management for small businesses a whole lot simpler - we promise you:

No contracts, set up or hidden fees

Up and running in 15 minutes

Simple and highly visual tools​
drawn outline of quotation marks
popcorn has saved me from having to work on Saturdays.

Mollie Ravenhall

Customer Service , Trophies2U

Book a demo with one of our experts

We'd love showing Small Business's how simple popcorn is and how much it helps their business grow ... Book your FREE no obligation CRM / PRM demo below.

The Small Business CRM that’s so simple to use it’s Child’s Play… 

popcorn joins up your prospecting, marketing, website analytics and sales pipelines in one simple and highly visual place –  so you see the bigger picture and close more sales. 

… and it only takes 15 mins to get up and running!

Are you ready to get started with popcorn CRM?

*FREE 5 Day Trial of popcorn CRM, then £5+VAT per month. No Set-Up Fees, No Contracts, No Hidden Costs