popcorn CRM

Tips, Advice & Articles

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child in cardboard car with megaphone announcing something for popcorn crm for small business
Simon Washbrook

Telesales Tips: #1 Improve your call conversion rates by 80%

Okay, so you’ve worked really hard building an amazing telemarketing team and training them all with the best Telesales tips and tactics you know. You have probably even invested in the latest courses, so that they can get the best possible conversion rate when they pick up the phone and hit their call lists. But let’s face it, in reality you know that they have got to wade through a high percentage of ‘No’s’ before you get your first ‘Yes’, and even then you are not going to convert them straight away as your team are still learning the specific buying signals.

You also know that your client will be judging you on the first few leads that you send over to them, so you are caught in the eternal conundrum of quality over quantity. In an ideal world you would always aim for quality, as in the long term it produces better results and retains more customers, but achieving this is getting harder and harder. Finding contacts that are either entering or engaged in the buying cycle is increasingly time consuming and competitive, which is why we have put this series of Telesales Tips together.

What Telesales & Telemarketers already know

Traditionally Telemarketers take a couple of routes when starting a telesales campaign:

  1. Acquiring a call list from their clients (in-house or a bought-in database), ranking the calls based upon the clients comments, sales history, gut feel, black magic etc… then hitting the phones to start generating a pipeline.
  2. Doing all of the above, but having some additional marketing engagement with the list before making any calls to warm it up and improve the initial call conversion rate. This marketing engagement can be in various forms of on & offline marketing, but typically the response rates are very low (1-2% max).

But you know what, none of this ‘stuff’ actually tackles the root cause of improving call conversation rates, which is bad Data. Now, before you start thinking I’m going to talk about buying better quality Data, I’m NOT Talking about Buying Data. What I am going to talk about in these Telesales Tips is:

How you can cut out 80% of the ‘No’s’ before you even pick up the phone, and how to give your team a ‘Hot’ prospect list of contacts and understand exactly why they are engaged. Meaning that they can target their calls and increase your call conversation rates with less effort and get more ‘Yes’s’, faster.

One of the On-line marketing tactics that Telemarketers and Telesales professionals  use before making their calls is Email Marketing, but they rely on the Emails acting as brand reinforcement and outdated ‘Open’ & ‘Click’ reports, which actually tell you nothing. For example an ‘Open’ is often registered by software when a smart phone downloads a preview of the Email or the client is opening it to delete. A ‘Click’ does have some merit, but cannot be relied upon as readers often click out of curiosity and then go elsewhere on the website.

The 3rd and less well known option for Lead Qualification (Top Telesales Tips)

As a Telemarketer, you need to see a pattern of engagement, where and what the contact is clicking on in the Email, where they have been on the website and more importantly what they have been looking at when they return back to the website. Then and only then can you qualify if they are a prospect and what you need to be talking to them about. Popcorn is an Email Marketing platform that does exactly this and scores all activity, telling you exactly who your team should be calling next and specifically what it is that they are interested in.

So, how does popcorn qualify contacts? Our software is really easy to use with loads of support to get you started. But more importantly when you send out your first Email, we automatically track, score and record all of the individual contacts activity across ‘Opens’, ‘Clicks’ and visits to your client’s website in a really simple timeline. So that you can see all this intelligence, including visits to specific webpages for up to 3 months after they have opened the last Email. And because we automatically score all this engagement, you also get a ‘HOT’ Prospect list that rates the data list, so that you know who to call first. (Top Telesales Tip)

A good example of this, imagine ‘John’, who has been tagged as a Purchasing Manager, and has been automatically rated as a ‘Hot’ prospect by popcorn, because he has opened the Email you sent him, clicked on the ‘Blue Widget Guide’ link, but more importantly you can then see that he spent a brief amount of time on the ‘Blue Widget Guide’ page, before visiting the ‘Products’ page, then came back to the site 2 weeks later, looking specifically at ‘Pink Widgets’ and a Testimonial on your ‘Supply processes’ . What this then tells you is that you need to pick up the phone to John and have a chat around the issues he is facing with his current supplier’s delivery and his ‘Pink Widgets’.
Quino Al on Unsplash
Our next Telemarketing and Telesales Tips: After sending your initial Email, using popcorn’s smart filters you can quickly and easily segment the once anonymous data, identifying groups of individuals who have specific areas of interest. If this initial Email is then followed up with a couple more general Emails and a few targeted ones based around website pages that contacts have visited, you will have a solid call list that is based upon engagement and specific intelligence that can be followed up on, but more importantly popcorn will also tell you who you should not be wasting your valuable time on, as they have not engaged and have not been rated. Which getting back to the title of this guide, will dramatically increase your telemarking conversion rates and make you look amazing in your client’s eyes.

Industry Secret - Telesales Tips to increase your profit margins

This also brings in the options of additional revenue streams for your Telemarketing and Telesales business as you can now charge your clients for sending out additional Emails (Top Telesales Tip) that will increase their brand awareness, whilst bring in direct sales (that you can directly accredit yourself with), but you also then have the option of providing your customers with popcorn’s One-Click CRM & Task Manager they can access and manage the prospect though personalised Sales pipelines and set reminders for them so they do not forget to make the critical call that you have scheduled. Or you can easily create a branded landing page that looks exactly like your clients in less than 20 seconds to support your phone calls and yet again increase your conversion rates.

If you would like any advice around this or would like support delivering any of these projects, please feel free to give us a call on 0121 318 8 318, click HERE to sign up for a 15 day free trial or visit our blog for more Telesales Tips.

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