How popcorn shaved 2.5 hours off AIM Internet's sales planning
About AIM Internet
AIM Internet are a leading and well-established digital marketing agency, that help companies to grow their businesses online. Their sales and marketing team comprises of a sales director, two telemarketers and a digital marketeer.
What our customers say
popcorn gives me sanity; it helps me to plan all my sales activity and is my safety net!
Sarah Whitticase
Sales Director, AIM Internet
The Problem: Fractured Sales Planning
AIM Internet had wanted a formal sales structure for years – but had found existing CRM software too complicated. As they grew, they continued to use the same multiple Google Drive spreadsheets to market to their customers and manage/share information across the sales team. They would hold a weekly sales meeting where they updated each other and the master spreadsheet, but this was all done from individual paper lists, diaries and memory. This worked well as a basic recording tool, but did not allow the whole sales team to see the bigger lead management picture, who was speaking to who, and what had been said in earlier conversations – and this often lead to wires getting crossed.
This resulted in a lot of wasted time, lost prospects, and a Managing Director who did not have visibility on the sales process.
The Solution
By using popcorn Lead Management, all the different leads from their various marketing activities are now joined up and they have a clear record of where everyone is in the sales process. They love the arrangement of the simple sales pipelines, as they are fully customisable and allow each team member to see what they need to focus on each day. The whole team can now quickly and easily add notes and know who they need to call next – so no opportunity is ever missed.
Since moving over to popcorn they have reduced their daily sales planning activity by 75%, saving them nearly 2.5 hours every day. The weekly sales meeting with the telemarketing team now takes less time as all their prospect information is in one simple and logical place, making sales meetings more focused and more productive.
Next Steps: Efficient Sales Planning
popcorn has helped them instil a joined-up sales discipline, structure and focus throughout their team. Now they are incorporating the email marketing and lead generation tools so that they can pro-actively target contacts, start flagging up the contacts who are engaging and automatically moving the hot prospects along sales pipelines. That way they will ensure that they are reaching out to their leads when they are ready to buy, saving the sales team even more time and helping them to close more sales.
Reduction in sales planning time
2.5 Hours
Saved every single day
…all our different leads from our marketing activities are now joined up, giving our team visibility.
Join over 7,000 small businesses to get monthly tips on nurturing your prospects
A simple to use CRM that joins up all your data
A visual and easy way to manage your prospect
Manage your workflow and contact engagement
Never forget to follow up on an opportunity
Email Marketing
Nurture your contacts with personalised emails
Lead Generation
Qualify your contacts based on their activity
Website Tracking
Follow prospect activity from email to website
Landing Pages
Clone and edit a landing page in seconds
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