Customer Buying Cycle: Prospects

Explore the first stage for the customer buying cycle

Prospecting Customers

Ensure that you keep all your contacts in one place!

A business needs to know where to:

  • Find a phone number
  • Add a tag/note
  • Set a quick reminder

All of this is easy to do with popcorn. You can see exactly what you need to speak to someone about, at exactly the right time.

customer buying cycle prospects

What is a business thinking?


Businesses need to provide general and appealing information.

A business can:

  • Promote relevant articles
  • Monitor engagement across website/social media
  • Promote features of the product/service

This isn’t chasing the customer, but letting the customer know that the business exists.

What is a customer thinking?

customer buying cycle customers

Customers are at the very beginning of their journey.

A customer is:

  • Starting to think about buying
  • Will not yet be talking to salespeople about it – but will be thinking of it
  • Wants to avoid buyer’s remorse

The customer will take steps to avoid buyer’s remorse by researching, such as: visiting a company’s socials, product descriptions, and relevant articles.

Click below for the next stage of the customer buying cycle

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